Becoming the person you truly want to be.

Hello my anxious hearts,

I hope the week is going well for you. Here’s a little something that got me thinking this week.

Have you ever thought what would happen to your life, if you stepped into becoming the person you always wanted to be? Or maybe it’s into the person you used to be?

I read this, and thought it was kinda life-changing. So many things hold us back in life, not least, ourselves. So, if we dropped the ‘fear’ or whatever else is holding us back, then maybe we could be THAT person.

So, Let’s try this…

If I were a _______ (e.g. kind, happy, fearless, confident, successful, loving of self) person already, how would I behave? What would I say? What would I do?

Then you have to:

• Envisage it.

• Feel it.

• Set your intention each morning with it.

• End your day with it.

So we have to really think and feel and BEHAVE as the person we want to be, WITHOUT whatever it is that holds us back. If the thing that holds us back, is not there, then we really become that person. So we act as though we’re already the ______ person we dream of and then we witness how our world changes.

So much of the time we are going about our lives wishing we could be different. And if we could only embody that difference we want, then our lives could change in so many ways.

Even though at times I may be fearless, I know a lot of the time the final parts to moving forward, are stopped by FEAR. So I’m going to try this out this week and see how the world changes.

I hope you try too.  Let me know how you get on.


Kiki x

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