Accepting What Is

Hey loves, Hope you have had a good week.

Lovely that it’s Easter weekend. It’s my favourite Christian holiday. I have so many wonderful memories as a child and growing up. Holy Week was such an important week to us Catholics. Especially to my family; my mum and dad and grandparents.

We would be in mass a lot. Much to our teenage dismay. Palm Sunday, Stations of the Cross, Confession and Easter Sunday. My mum doing all the flowers in church so that it looked like an explosion of spring.

Looking back I’m so grateful for those times. They set our faith and our traditions. It was community and being part of something so special and meaningful.

It feels a time of peace and renewal for me. And I always watch a holy film; old or new. To remind me of what He did for us.

Anyway, todays ‘nugget’ for you. I was talking to a friend last night and we were talking about reducing stress levels and being a bit kinder to ourselves. Not fighting so much with what is.

One of the biggest challenges for me was taking the imaginary stress away from my life. I had the biggest overwhelm at times, that life should be different and I should be trying harder and doing more. But I realised after a wonderful visit to a holistic practitioner, that my brain and body has A LOT to contend with. And the fact that I’m here and present and able to function well most of the time, is somewhat a miracle. So todays nugget is this:

True happiness comes from Accepting things AS THEY ARE. And not what you think they SHOULD BE.

Fighting against the tide of our life is exhausting. Yes we have a debt to ourselves to change what we can. But fighting against what is is completely exhausting if it’s a futile battle. Knowing the difference of what we can change and what we can’t is power. It’s taking back control. So that we can be the best we can be, for us.

It’s the Serenity Prayer really:

Lord grant me the serenity to ACCEPT the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I repeat this prayer often. Without even realising it. And it’s really a building block to happiness. It is so much sense.

So if you can, accept where you are right now. It may not be a great place and you know for sure you don’t want to be there long term. But there is so much peace in accepting the things you can’t change right now. And flowing with the current or your life. Finding small joys in the present moment. Even in the mundane. But with a plan, for only the next few days and weeks, of how you can make small changes to the things that you can change. Whilst acknowledging the things you can’t.

I hope this resonates.

Happy Easter my loves. Wishing you a truly peaceful and happy weekend.


Kiki x

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