Working on Yourself

Hey loves.
Hope you’re all ok and had a good weekend.
It was a bit of a big one for me. I had one of my articles from here on the blog, published in the New York Times’ Elephant Journal. I was so shocked that they accepted it. But totally elated too. Truly, I was so humbled by the fact that they wanted to share my words and then by the amazing response I had from my amazing family and friends. It’s a moment and day I won’t forget!
I was going through my ‘golden nugget’ file for something to share with you tonight and this one came up. The thing that is ‘Self Development’ and ‘Working on Yourself’ for want of a better description.
I admit I am and have always been a self development junkie. And over the years have taken any opportunity to improve and educate myself. Particularly when I got so poorly again. I read any and every self help book, did every course and tried every therapy. But I want to share something with you.
You DO NOT have to constantly be working on yourself. It’s not a prerequisite to health and success. You’re fine. Right where you are. Right now.
There is so much stuff online talking about self improvement, self development or manifesting a better life and a better you.
ALL of this is worthy. ALL of this is worthwhile doing. Truly it is. And it all has its place and time. But you DO NOT have to beat yourself daily with reminders of where you were or where you are. Or even the fact that you’re not where you want to be.
If you’re looking to work on yourself or your life then some simple advice I took was to keep it simple. I simplified. And it was this:
Don’t focus on what can happen in a month. Or even in a year. Just focus on the next 24 hrs ahead of you. That’s all. And focus on what you can do to get you closer to where you want to be.
I loved it when I read it. It immediately let me off the hook.
Sometimes it’s just OK and ENOUGH to be exactly where you are right now. And trust in a greater good that that’s exactly where you’re MEANT TO BE. ✨
For the longest time I felt in a constant state of trying. Anything and everything. And sometimes there were definite results. But sometimes and maybe for the greater part, there was just exhaustion.
I found that small, simple, regular and consistent actions were the way to go when working on healing myself. This is true of developing in any way. Or even changing the course of your life.
It’s not and is still not necessary to constantly beat at it. Some things just happen with time. And whilst I never envisaged my healing to take as long as it did. Each step forward and every two back, brought me to where I am.
And That’s all really.
Kindness to yourself. And compassion for where you are and how hard it can be at times, is far more important. It really is. So Just Nurture yourself. And I will remember to keep it up too. 💛
I hope this resonates a bit. Let me know in the comments.
Have a great week my loves,
Kiki x