Ticker Tape of Thoughts

The human mind naturally generates thousands of thoughts a day. When we’re anxious or depressed then we are generally engulfed by these thoughts.
But thoughts come and go like waves. It’s a constant ticker tape of thinking. It is only when we get caught up in the current or we jump on one negative thought that anxiety happens.
If we allow the tape to tick along. If we allow the thoughts to bubble away without attempting to change them or fix them, then we allow the flow of the current.
There is nothing to fear. No thought is off limits. They are all neutral until we give them power. If we become mindful and have an awareness of our thoughts we become familiar with the thoughts that create anxious feelings in us, and as we become more aware of these thoughts of ours, we can make the choice to ‘allow’ them to just be there. We do not need to ‘fix’ them. Or overthink them or generate further thoughts which can often lead into an anxious spiral. By allowing ALL thoughts to just BE, then we stop the anguish and the tug of war in our minds.
Once you have this awareness, you switch gears and you will start to notice your anxious thinking and observe your fearful thoughts as what they are, just thoughts. They are neutral until you give them power. Read my blog post on ‘Trusting Thoughts’ for a more in-depth look at this.
This is mindfulness.
Once you’re aware of the ticker tape of thoughts passing through, you will get better at allowing them to tick away without labeling them and without fearing them.
Remember, most of the time you go along happily enough without any need to consciously control your mind and actions. Everything we say and do happens naturally through our subconscious. Let this be something of comfort for you. You’re fine without having to do anything at all.
Anxiety comes when you become fearful of a thought. So try to allow them to be there and it will tick past as quickly as it came.
Our natural state is peaceful. We are all the peace beneath the waves of crashing thoughts. So tap into this peace if you can. Always remembering you’re grounded in the HERE AND NOW.
Right now, with the world in its current state, our worries and anxious thoughts are amplified. But applying this technique allows you some freedom to focus only on things that bring you joy. This is what we all need right now.
Remember if all you do today is keep you happy and well. Then this ripples out and keeps those you love most, happy and well too. And that is enough. It’s more than enough.
Sending all my love and strength to you. Always.
Kiki x