I don’t know about you, but I had plans. Life plans. When I was a teenager I dreamed of a career as a business woman. I had no doubt that it would happen. I had the brains, the personality and…
Tag: social anxiety
49 Results
social anxiety
FASHION & STYLE // Christmas 2015 – Gift guide for her
Christmas is definitely my favourite time of year. Now, anyone who knows me will vouch for the fact that I love to shop. So Christmas for me is just an excuse for me to flex my shopping muscles and…
DEPRESSION // Dear Depression,
Dear depression, Now, I know we are old friends. We go back a long way, you and I. But it’s not the kind of friendship I want to encourage. You’re not the kind of friend I want in my life.…
THOUGHTFUL SPOT // Baby steps.
By nature I do not take baby steps. Ever. I take leaping, huge, desperate steps, in an effort to get better quicker. But. I tell you now. It does NOT work. There are so many words of wisdom, passed down…
WELL-BEING TECHNIQUES // How to stop worrying what others think Of you.
Worrying what others think of us, is a global epidemic. It’s human nature to have consideration of others opinions. We are born that way. But if the balance sways to continuous worry, that is unwarranted, then the balance is off…
Why do we cry? What is the real reason? And does it have any benefit, bawling like a baby? Does it help when everything gets too much? By nature I have never been a crier. I was definitely one to…
WELL-BEING TECHNIQUES // 8 easy steps to a happier you
Sometimes our lives feel totally out of control. It happens to me all the time. Because of physical limitations and mental anguish, there are days that I feel I have no control over anything. It’s these days where I…
WELL-BEING TECHNIQUES // Letting go of the past
The past is a funny thing. It has such power, even though it’s gone. Where is it to you? Can you visualise it? Is it behind you? Is it alongside you? Is it in front of you? Are you…
Acceptance. A simple word. Easy in fact. Or so you would think. Do you practice the art of acceptance in your life? I have read so many books, articles, blogs that tell you that in order to move forward we…