Negative Predictions

Hey my loves,
How you all doing? I hope you’re doing ok.
Before I sleep tonight I thought I’d share with you one of the many notes I keep in a folder on my phone. These notes are to remind myself to think, act or do something, on a daily basis, when I’m feeling anxious, low or just a bit yuck! They are simply nuggets of info that help me find my centre again. All gathered over the course of a lifetime. And especially recently.
The folder is called ‘Kiki’s Inner World’. It holds a genie lamp full of nuggets that may be useful to you too. So I thought I would start sharing them. They are small and to the point. Just what we need.
Tonight’s was a reminder to NOT make NEGATIVE predictions about tomorrow or a few days time or even an event coming up that you may be a little anxious about.
If you have an anxious heart then chances are you have at one time or another, imagined the worst. That you may do or say or be something that frightens the hell out of you.
Well tonight I’m saying …
Make only POSITIVE predictions about things happening in the future. Not negative anxious ones. Because the negative anxious ones NEVER come true. Ever. Believe only in the best of yourself. Always. And if In doubt. Stay in the present moment x
I hope this resonates. Let me know in the comments.
Remember never be too hard on yourself my anxious friends. It’s hard work navigating a world when you’re in a state of high alert. But with practise, especially in being in the present moment, you will be ok. And that’s enough.
I’ll share more of these nuggets if you like them. And I’m working on some new bits for the website too.
Night my loves. Sleep well.
Kiki x
31/03/2023 at 12:42 am
Welcome back my dearest lifelong. You are my golden nugget💛. Today if all we can do is “be” then let’s just “be”. 🌈 Love you lots, always MFWLL XOXO
31/03/2023 at 10:20 pm
Thank you my ll. It feels good to be back. You’re my 💛 too. Just being is more than enough. Always 💛😘