Love – Daily affirmations


Affirmations june 2015

Do you find yourself playing a negative self talk record to yourself on a daily basis? Do you relate to thoughts such as ‘I’m so useless’ ‘I’m so fat’ ‘I’m so stupid’ ‘I wish I could achieve more’. If you do, then you’re not alone. I think most of the population can relate.

In today’s society where media and social media show us images of what perfection is supposed to look like, most if us feel we don’t meet the bar, that we can’t compare and we don’t come up to standard. That our bodies, our lives, our families are just not what they ‘should’ be.

The habit of negative self-talk is predominantly worse in females than it is males. There is no evidence as to why this is. It just is. Us women are pretty hard on ourselves and rarely give ourselves a break or a pat on the back for all that we DO achieve and all that we ARE.

Most of us have a constant record playing. Usually of negative and cruel jibes about ourselves.

If you really look at this habit we have got into, you would say – why do we talk to ourselves in this way? I often think to myself. Would I say these things, that I say to myself, to a good friend? Never! I would never be so cruel. But somehow it’s OK to say it to ourselves.

So again, on my quest for enlightenment, another tool I have learnt is daily affirmations.

Affirmations are about affirming strong statements and beliefs about yourself to yourself. And repeating them so often that you start to believe them. The word affirmation comes from the Latin affirmare, originally meaning “to make steady, strengthen.” They say that you are what you think. So if you start to think good thoughts about yourself, good things will happen. You can literally rewire your brain. Exercising it to think only good thoughts and changing your opinion of yourself in a radical way.

If we are what we think, then it’s so important to be watchful of your self-talk. Negative thoughts create negative feelings and negative outcomes. So switching the thoughts to strong, powerful and loving thoughts, can have a huge impact on you and your life. The art of speaking what we want, is key in seeing it happen.

There are a million affirmations to choose from. A few examples are:

  • My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.
  • I am smart, I am kind, I am beautiful, and I am important.
  • I am loving and I am loved.
  • I am strong, I am brave, I am blessed.

Others can be more specific. If there is an area of your life that you feel is lacking then you can concentrate the affirmation towards that. This literally projects what you want, instead of constantly vocalising what you don’t want. For example, if you are single, you can affirm something like: ‘ I am happy and loved where I am, the right relationship is coming to me at the right time’.

You can find any words that really resonate with you. If there are certain areas of your life where you lack confidence or you feel you don’t meet your own high standards then create an affirmation that is simple, that you will remember and repeat it to yourself all day every day and whenever you remember.

This life changing skill, will bring such peace and love to your life. You will start to see who you really are, that you are amazing, and skilled and beautiful. Instead of always having such a downer on yourself,

Along the same lines is mirror image work. You look at yourself in the mirror. Really look into your own eyes and say ‘I love you’. You have to feel it and you have to mean it. This is a tough one. When I first started it I found it really difficult and embarrassing! I certainly didn’t believe it at first. But I’ve kept at it. And although I doubt i’ll ever be a complete self lover. I do love myself more than ever before.

We only have one life. Wasting your time saying awful things to yourself is basically ridiculous. But we are all guilty of it.

So from now on try and say your affirmation to yourself as often as you can. Write the affirmation on a sticky note and stick them everywhere! In the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the car and at your desk. Create an affirmation board that you can keep in a place that you spend the most time. Really affirm to yourself how amazing you are!

Remember, always, how truly wonderful and special you are. Honor this uniqueness by saying loving things to yourself.

Chances are, if you’re reading this blog, you have dealt with a lot of mental and physical pain. So to me you are a warrior. Remember it and say it out loud! Over, and over again.

Onwards and upwards my loves, Kiki xo

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